ISPM 15 Solid Wood Packaging Update
(May 12, 2004)
Countries with
implementation changes since last update (April 15, 2004)
European Union
The European Commission has announced (subject to final adoption scheduled
for June) that all EU nations will implement ISPM 15 starting March 1,
2005. However, while the ISPM 15 does not require the debarking of wood
packaging, the EU said in early draft language that it must be “stripped
of its bark.” They have amended that condition somewhat and now state
they will make a distinction between conditions where wood must be
bark-free and where it must be debarked and will recognize FAO Glossary of
Phytosanitary Terms definitions for those processes. It is unknown when
specifics of those requirements will be determined.
Last month we told you that India’s Ministry of Agriculture had notified
WTO of their intention to adopt ISPM 15, but had not yet determined a
proposed date for implementation. They just announced wood packaging will
be required to be ISPM 15-compliant effective June 1, 2004.
South Africa
Based on their WTO notification, the RSA Department of Agriculture will
start implementing ISPM 15 on January 1, 2005.
Other News
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS) has contracted with NWPCA through a sublicense
agreement to authorize the use of the IPPC treatment mark for fumigation.
The agreement allows those facilities registered in NWPCA’s Fumigation
Program to use the IPPC logo on all wood packaging materials fumigated
with methyl bromide (MB) or any fumigants to be determined to be effective
in the future. Anyone not enrolled in the NWPCA program caught using the
mark can be prosecuted by APHIS for fraud. Conditions for using the
fumigation mark are consistent with those of the ALSC Heat Treatment
Current info for other countries that have begun implementation
April 2, 2004, the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS)
released a quarantine alert in which they proposed inserting ISPM 15 into
their current import requirements for solid wood packaging (similar to the
way New Zealand handled the standard). However, AQIS seems to intend to
introduce the following additional conditions that are not part of ISPM
*Must be bark-free.
*More rigorous MB fumigation schedule.
*Mandatory packing declaration.
Proposed implementation date of these new requirements is 01 July 2004.
In March 2004, Brazil’s Secretary for Plant and Animal Health Protection
announced emergency requirements that began ISPM 15 implementation
retroactively to January 2004.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) started implementing their new
regulation starting January 2004. Wood packaging imported from the U.S. is
exempt from treatment and marking.
The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine (AQSIS) has not decided when it will implement their new
regulation for imported solid wood packaging. In discussions with APHIS,
they indicated there would be an advance notice for implementation and a
phase-in period. For now heat treatment with certification through APHIS
is the only recognized method for softwood; hardwood is exempt but still
requires certification (we recommend use of the NC-US voluntary mark).
Japan is no longer considering ISPM 15 in the foreseeable future.
The Korean National Plant Quarantine Service has published its rule
adopting ISPM 15. They intend for their regulation to go into effect June
1, 2005. At this time, they will only accept heat treatment for coniferous
wood; hardwood can be fumigated or heat treated.
According to Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturale’s (SEMARNAT)
staff, Mexico is going to release its final rule before the end of the
year. However, they say Mexico’s import requirements for solid wood
packaging will not be implemented until middle of 2005.
Switzerland is the first non-EU member that has passed legislation
adopting ISPM 15. They say implementation will start July 1, 2004.
United States
As of January 2004, APHIS began encouraging all importers to use ISPM
15-compliant wood packaging in anticipation of future implementation of
the regulation. The final rule is expected to be released by the third
quarter of 2004 with a one-year grace period before enforcement penalties
are levied.
New Zealand
New Zealand has fully implemented and is enforcing ISPM 15.
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